King Gambit

KingGambit is a PVP game that allows 1 player play versus 1 player

How to Play:

A Deck contains 26 cards from 1->13, each value has 2 cards:

Step 1: Place your bet and wait for your opponent

  • Your Blind: minimum bet required when you enter the game

  • Player need to bring 25x of your Blind to play the game Ex: 200 Blind required at least 5000 GEM to play.

Step 2: Start the Game

  • Each player can see their opponent's cards but not their own

  • Actions in game: Fold: the act of ending participation in a hand. No more bets are required to go into the pot by someone once they fold. Players can fold when it is their turn to act and they do not wish to continue. Call/check: matching the amount that has been put in by another player in the form of a bet or a raise Raise: Raising is the action one takes when they want to increase the opening bet. After raising it up, one will have to deal with either a call, fold or re-raise from the other players in the hand

  • There will be 4 Round in a Game:

    Round 1: At the beginning of the game, each player will have 1 card for themselves, the player will start the action Round 2: Deal 2 cards to the middle of the table and the player continues to act Round 3: Deal 1 cards to the middle of the table and the player continues to act Round 4: Deal 1 cards to the middle of the table and the player continues to act

Step 3: When all actions are completed, players will compare their cards with their opponents' cards based on the cards in the middle of the table to determine victory or defeat.

Rules for comparing winning cards:

1 is the highest status, and 5 is the lowest status. ( 1 to 5 -> Highest to Lowest )

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