Dropped Items

NFTs (Seed, Decoration, Egg) and Lottery ticket.

  1. NFT claiming fee of each year will be adjusted before the new year begins, based on PVU token price.

  2. You need to wait until the countdown time of a batch is over before you can start claiming the next batch. Maximum of 200 NFTs per 1 batch.

  3. NFTs claiming countdown time: 4 hours

  4. Seeds, Decorations, Eggs, Lottery tickets dropped from farm of the current year can only be claimed and used before the next year begins. Unclaimed NFTs and unused tickets will then be removed.

Starting from year 15, when claiming dropped seeds from farm, you will have a probability to get: normal plant, Fusion 1 plant, Fusion 2 plant, or Mythic plant.

Offering seeds will remain unchanged.

All seeds, including those won through the Lottery mini-game within a year will be removed before the start of the next year.

Remember to grow all your seeds to avoid losing them!

Remember to claim your NFTs and use your tickets!

Last updated